Johann Bernhard Bach (1676-1749) - Nun freut euch lieben Christen g'mein

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Brano per organo  di J.B.Bach, cugino di secondo grado di Johann Sebastian, figlio e padre anch'egli di musicisti e clavicembalista di corte presso Giovanni Guglielmo di Sassonia-Eisenach all'inizio del XVIII secolo.

Il corale si ispira ad uno dei primi inni di Martin Lutero, la cui melodia risaliva al 1524, chiamato a volte anche "l'inno del giudizio di Lutero".

A choral by J.B.Bach, second cousin to Johann Sebastian, son and father himself of musicians and cembalist at John William III, Duke of Saxe-Eisenach's court.
The choral takes inspiration from one of the first hymns by Martin Luther, often referred to as "Luther's judgement hymn". Here's the translation of the text of the hymn:

1. Dear Christians, one and all rejoice,
With exultation springing,
And with united heart and voice
And holy rapture singing,
Proclaim the wonders God hath done,
How his right arm the victory won;
Right dearly it hath cost him.

2. Fast bound in Satan's chains I lay,
Death brooded darkly o'er me;
Sin was my torment night and day,
Therein my mother bore me.
Deeper and deeper still I fell,
Life was become a living hell,
So firmly sin possessed me.

3. My good works could avail me naught,
For they with sin were stained;
Free-will against God's judgment fought,
And dead to good remained.
Grief drove me to despair, and I
Had nothing left me but to die,
To hell I fast was sinking.

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Cerca anche queste categorie: Musica Sacra, Musica per Organo